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Try the new Dibloc app!

Bring with you all the power of Dibloc concentrated in a very light PWA


What Dibloc offers?

  • Easy of use and privacy

    Visibility of post and profile

    Timed post of 24h upwards

    Sending text|photo|video|file

    Download all contents

    WYSIWYG visual editor

    Encrypted messaging

    Full-size HD wallpapers


This web application employs several cookie types for its complete functioning: technical cookies only to allow the use of the service and also third-party cookies to personalize content and ads. You can allow the use of the latter to improve your experience on Dibloc and you can change your preferences in this regard at any time.
For more information consult the Cookie Policy.

Sign Up

  • Enter in this field your Name or a Pseudonym.
    We remind you that it will be the name that will
    appear on your profile and Dib.

  • Enter in this field a valid password for protect your account.
    You will see its complexity from the field color.

You're already signed up? Sign In to your account!