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What is Dibloc?

Dibloc is a project for free expression through writing, videos and images.

A social network, which has the concept of 'brevity of events' at its basis and that this does not accumulate thoughts and memories, but shares them in real time with everyone, and lets the likes of users determine their duration.
But Dibloc is not just this.
Is the first italian modular platform that integrates an advanced content management system meritocratic [Mosaix Engine]Is a modular platform that can handle multiple types of
content (post, ads, advertising) in the form of scalable blocks.
, shaped in its appearance only by users. Imagined and created to be a place to give voice to anyone, doing the originality, the aesthetic simplicity and the immediacy of use, its strengths.
Technically Dibloc has a multiplatform conception and uses for example, the first Live publishing interface with WYSIWYG visual editor and customizable profile with HD and full-sized wallpapers.

Here's what Dibloc is in short: an independent project in constant evolving. A unique idea that needs your essential contribution to grow and improve.

If you want to support this project: contact us

Creator developer | @SGF

To find out how to use the webApp Dibloc, we invite you to discover all of its major features. [+ info]

Currently Dibloc is in BETA version and allows sign up and posting, but the stability of the application is not guaranteed. [+ info]

Do you need more info? Contact it the Support.