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Try the new Dibloc app!

Bring with you all the power of Dibloc concentrated in a very light PWA


Do you want to publish content?

Try now Dibloc and post free all the dibs you want...
just few seconds!


This web application employs several cookie types for its complete functioning: technical cookies only to allow the use of the service and also third-party cookies to personalize content and ads. You can allow the use of the latter to improve your experience on Dibloc and you can change your preferences in this regard at any time.
For more information consult the Cookie Policy.

Why choose Dibloc?

We give you 30 good reasons!

An overview of the main features of Dibloc, all focused on usability and innovation in the field of the web App and social media.


You can use Dibloc on smartphone, tablet, pc and smart-tv!


Dibloc is designed in graphics and features to be used by all!


All registered users and dib posted have the same initial visibility.


The entire platform uses an encrypted connection with TLS 1.2 protocol.


Dibloc is an independent and completely free platform.


You can follow from your profile all progress in community.

Photo and Video

You can upload both images and streaming video in the post.

YouTube® Videos

You can embed video to YouTube® platform in your post.


In each Dib and comment you can enter links, mentions and tags!


You can save, arrange, follow and chat with your favorite Diblers!

Live interface

No preview: make your post as it will appear published!

Messages & Chat

You can send short messages encrypted and self-erased with maxi emoji!


You receive notifications about the Ups, comments and new followers!

24 hours

Each Dib has 24/168/720 hours to be seen and increase its time.


When post a Dib you can choose between so many different topics!


You can participate by sending comments that increase your Dib by 1 hour!

Dibly icons

In comments, you can show your opinion: positive, negative or neutral.


If you do not want to lose your Dib, you can save it before it expires.


Each saved Dib can be republished with the original time!


Each Dib can be Upped: will return to the top and will acquire 1 hour more!


Each Dibler has its own rate that indicates the social interaction.


All the Dibs, replies and comments posted are constantly moderate.


Dibloc are a web App constantly evolving with ever new features!

Discover the tools and methods to share published posts on Dibloc and create new ones! [+ info]

Currently Dibloc is in BETA version and some features described may not be available. [+ info]

Do you need more info? Contact it the Support.